By James Fletcher

PODcast: The mind, the breath and Wellness – my journey from athletes to asthmatics
An old friend and I had a chat about the breath and how its connected to the mind. I find it a powerful tool to engage, treat, and mange many conditions as a Physiotherapist and Physiologist. Like the heart, which beats autonomously, the breath we rarely give a second thought too...
Podcast – Swimming performance
Not long ago I had a very interesting discussion with Brenton Ford from Effortless swimming. An ex-swimmer and coach, we discuss what it takes to improve your swimming with a focus on the breath. Uncovering The Breath Training Secrets Used By Olympic Swimmers with James Fl...
How alcohol affects your breathing
Just finished SOBER OCTOBER? Does your breathing feel better? IT SHOULD! Asthma is a condition that causes peoples airways to become narrow, it becomes difficult to breath and it can be life threatening. Many people with asthma dread the change of seasons and any TRIGGER can set them o...
6 years ago
Apnoea, Breathing Fatigue, Breathing Science, Fletcher Techniques, High Performance, SCUBA, Swimming
How to breathe underwater – A definitive guide
How do we breathe when we’re underwater? Does it matter how we breathe? let’s find out if it matters! I recently had a SCUBA and free-diving holiday on a liveaboard in Komoda National Park, Indonesia. It made me think critically about what exactly happens to the breath and our bo...
6 years ago
Lecture – Shortness of Breath (30 mins)
Please click on this link here to go to the 30 min lecture Here we discuss the breath and how we can influence shortness of breath and improve performance. ...
7 years ago
Apnoea, Breath Hold, Breathing, Breathing Fatigue, Improve Performance, Performance Breathing, Swimming
How Breath training makes you swim faster
How Breath training makes you swim faster….. Research in the field of breath training for sports improvement dates back a number of years from the pioneers in the 1960s with Campbell & Howell, who before ethics committees existed, use to knock themselves out with anaesthetic and look at the me...
7 years ago
Why do we go to the gym?
There are many reasons we see patients, athletes and everyday people going to the gym. The health benefits have been well documented but here are a few reasons we might not think of straight away. Strong Bones – going to the gym maintains the strength of your bones. This becomes particularly impor...
7 years ago
Apnoea, Breath Hold, Breathing Fatigue, Breathing Science, Fletcher Techniques, High Performance, Performance Breathing, Swimming
Some FAQs about the breath, whats yours?
I have compiled a list of the 5 most common questions I get about the breath from my friends, colleagues, patients and athletes. If you have one, please send it through. 1. Do we take breathing for granted? Is it something we should be devoting more attention towards? Its useful to think of...
7 years ago
Why the breath improves performance
There are a few key drivers for improved performance using Fletcher techniques, here we look at the how breath training increases the blood flow delivery to the exercising muscles during training and competition. The breathing muscles demand a high percentage of cardiac output approaching maximal ex...
7 years ago
Apnoea, Breathing, Breathing Science, High Performance, Improve Performance, Performance Breathing, Swimming
The Low down on Altitude Masks
Today’s post is going to be short and sharp. Altitude masks have been on my mind this week as I see more friends and amateur athletes add them to their training programs and altitude gyms keep popping up around me. So, of course I decided to take a look from a science perspective. First of [&helli...
7 years ago
By James Fletcher
HYPOXIA & CENTRAL GOVERNOR Introduction The last blog introduced the different ways we can increase the stress to the body by reducing oxygen supply to the tissues. We call this desaturation, and we measure it with a pulse oximeter. By ...
5 years ago
Nobel Prize – How we sense Oxygen
Nobel Prize in Physiology – OXYGEN This years Nobel prize in Physiology goes to 3 researchers who helped to reveal the way cells in the body respond too and sense oxygen availability. We now know the body senses Oxygen at the tissue le...
5 years ago
Apnoea, Breath Hold, Breathing Science, Fletcher Techniques, High Performance, Performance Breathing, Swimming
Intermittent Hypoxic Training The last blog introduced desaturation, which is where we intentionally reduce Oxygen (02) supply to the tissues at rest or when we are exercising. This is done in various ways, which is what we will explore thi...
6 years ago
Apnoea, Breath Hold, Breathing Science, Fletcher Techniques, High Performance, Improve Performance, Performance Breathing
Intermittent Hypoxic Training (IHT) Part 1/4
This is a four part series unpacking the “highs” and lows of what we know about hypoxic training. There is some great research out there about the ‘old’ ways and there are some fantastic new and innovative ways to gain some ...
6 years ago
PODcast: The mind, the breath and Wellness – my journey from athletes to asthmatics
An old friend and I had a chat about the breath and how its connected to the mind. I find it a powerful tool to engage, treat, and mange man...
Podcast – Swimming performance
Not long ago I had a very interesting discussion with Brenton Ford from Effortless swimming. An ex-swimmer and coach, we discuss what it tak...
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